GAB Model

Moisture sorption isotherms are described using the GAB model, which is defined as Album cover Where:

  • m0 is the monolayer moisture content (kg H2O /kg total solids)
  • C is a constant related to the heat of sorption of the first layer
  • K is related to the heat of adsorption of the multi-layer
  • aw is the water activity

The parameters (C, K and aw) can also be described as a function of temperature using the Arrhenius equation. Where:
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  • T is the absolute temperature
  • R is the universal gas constant, 8.314 J/mol-K
  • mG,C0,K0,qm are constants for the temperature effect
  • λ is the heat of condensation of pure water
  • Hm and Hn are the heat sorption of the monolayer and the multilayer of the water, respectively

Simple Fermi's Equation

The mechanical properties of almonds are fitted using the Simple Fermi's distribution. Album cover Where:

  • Y(aw) is the mechanical property of almond at water activity aw
  • Y0 is the mechanical property of the sample at dry state
  • awc is the water activity when a drastic textural echange occurs
  • b is a dimensionsless constant