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Bee-Friendly Farming Earns Almond Grower National Award


Sran Family Orchards plants cover crops with
seeds from Project Apis m. Seeds for Bees
program, like the clover mix pictured here. Photos
courtesy Project Apis m.
Lakhy Sran, partner and second-generation farmer at the Fresno County–based Sran Family Orchards, has been selected as this year’s winner of the U.S. Farmer-Rancher Award, presented by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC), a program of the National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD).

The NAPPC-NACD U.S. Farmer-Rancher Award recognizes people like Sran who have “contributed significantly to pollinator protection, conservation and issue outreach, resulting in increased awareness of the importance of pollinators and pollination within the agricultural community.”

A newly-planted flowering hedgerow is part of 10
miles of hedgerow at Sran Family Orchards.

Alternate Bee Forage Sources
Since Sran’s family started growing almonds in 1987, they have worked to ensure a healthy environment for bees. Sran Family Orchards practices a variety of bee-friendly farming techniques, including providing alternate sources of forage for bees. To date, they have planted more than 10 linear miles of flowering hedgerows, with plants such as bottlebrush, rosemary and manzanita bordering their almond orchards. Another 15 miles are currently being planted.

In combination with the hedgerows, Sran plants cover crops with seeds from Project Apis m., which include mixes of clovers, mustards and vetch. These plants offer nutritious food after almond blossoms are spent, so beekeepers can leave hives in the orchards and continue to build bee strength until it is time for them to move on to their next crop to pollinate.

Sran has also established bamboo hives for solitary bees scattered throughout their properties, and installed an innovative drip system for pollinators’ year-round access to fresh water.