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Episode 32: Pest Management with Robert Sylvester


In this episode, pest control adviser (PCA) Robert Sylvester joins the journey. Sylvester has worked for Wilbur Ellis for over 12 years focused on almonds he grew up working in almond orchards with his father. While at Cal Poly, Sylvester interned with Wilbur Ellis which led to a full-time position and a PCA license. This background has greatly influenced the way he approaches his almond producer clients.

“I work with the grower and say, this is where I see the issues and this is where I think we can improve with this program or with this material. If I wouldn't do it for my Dad, I'm not recommending to do it for the grower.
Robert Sylvester
In Today’s episode:
  • Meet Robert Sylvester who has worked as a PCA in almond orchards for over 12 years
  • Hear how pest management strategies have evolved over the years, and what issues he and his farmer customers dealt with this past season
  • Discover how Sylvester and other PCAs work as critical team members for California almond growers
ABC Update

A few years ago, the Almond Board of California looked for opportunities to provide tangible tools that would help growers and PCAs. This led to a family of identification booklets with pictures and descriptions to reference throughout the year. Almond Board of California Senior Manager of Industry Relations and Communications Jenny Nicolau announces that there is a new tool that will be available for the first time ever next week at The Almond Conference – the Almond Disease and Nutrient Deficiency Identification Cards.

It empowers the farm managers and the laborers in the orchard to learn and really start to have a better idea of what they're seeing, like they're part of it when they can work with their PCA thanks to these identification booklets…I'm really excited about this because the third ID set rounds out the family.
Jenny Nicolau

The Almond Journey Podcast is brought to you by the Almond Board of California. This show explores how growers, handlers, and other stakeholders are making things work in their operations to drive the almond industry forward. Host Tim Hammerich visits with leaders throughout the Central Valley of California and beyond who are finding innovative ways to improve their operations, connect with their communities, and advance the almond industry.

ABC recognizes the diverse makeup of the California almond industry and values contributions offered by its growers, handlers, and allied industry members. However, the opinions, services and products discussed in existing and future podcast episodes are by no means an endorsement or recommendation from ABC. The Almond Journey podcast is not an appropriate venue to express opinions on national, state, local or industry politics. As a Federal Marketing Order, the Almond Board of California is prohibited from lobbying or advocating on legislative issues, as well as setting field and market prices.