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Reaching Out from Almond Country to the City


Many students, and even adults, don’t realize that almonds grow on trees. Even more, they’re often unaware that California is an agricultural powerhouse. Almond Board of California (ABC) is committed to closing this gap in understanding; specifically, by educating elementary students so they can better understand where their food comes from and expand their knowledge of agriculture, the environment and natural resources.

ABC has developed lesson plans that round out its educational offerings, including a video and an activity book, to elementary schools in California’s Central Valley. The lesson plans, “California Almonds: An Almond Story,” offer a unit outline for educators to teach students about the history and applications of almonds.

In partnership with the California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, the lesson plans are aligned with education standards for California schools, along with national Common Core standards for math, science and English.

The lesson plans were designed for grades three to five and include five lessons, titled:

  1. Fact or Opinion
  2. Science and Poetry with Almonds
  3. Fun with Almond Math
  4. Almond History and Cultural Significance
  5. Nutritious Almonds

Not only are the lesson plans educational, they’re also a fun, hands-on way to bring agriculture and awareness of how food is grown into the classroom. Moreover, you, as an almond grower, can help forge a personal connection with students in your community. Share the Ag in the Classroom materials with your local school and serve as a teaching guest.

Given the breadth of agriculture in California, and particularly the Central Valley, many students are already tied to agriculture in some way. However, lesson plans like “California Almonds: An Almond Story” go a long way in teaching important context about food and how it’s grown, and make almonds much more than just a snack on a plate.