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FFA Auction Opportunities Grow with Leadership Support


With The Almond Conference just over four months away, it is time to start thinking about the silent auction. Going on its fifth year, this event strives to raise money for the California FFA Foundation to fund scholarships for high school students who plan to attend college and pursue an ag-related degree. Since its inception, with the help of industry support, we have raised more than $20,000!

FFA volunteers give valuable assistance at The Almond Conference.

These efforts are something to be proud of, and so, the 2016 Almond Leadership Program participants are eager to support this cause and do all they can to support the future leaders of the California ag industry. Therefore, in addition to the silent auction, we are introducing two new opportunities you can partake in to support the California FFA Foundation.

One new opportunity is the establishment of an online fund-raising website for companies/individuals who would prefer to make a monetary contribution rather than donate an auction item. Monetary donations in advance of the auction can be made now, Aug. 1, through Dec. 8. These donations can be made anytime and will go straight to the California FFA Foundation by clicking here. Additionally, for the first time ever, a live auction will be incorporated into the Conference! The live auction will include larger ticket items and will take place at the annual Gala Dinner on Dec. 8.

By utilizing all three of these opportunities, the Almond Leadership participants have set a goal of raising $15,000 by Dec. 8 for the California FFA Foundation.

If you are interested in donating an item, please fill out the Auction Donation form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rebecca Bailey at or (209) 343-3245.