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The Almond Industry

A meeting place for everyone in the almond community.

Stewardship Platform (CASP)

The California Almond Stewardship Platform (CASP) is comprised of research, grower education, almond-based tools and self-assessment data. The CASP self-assessments reflect aggregated industry practices. Through the Grower Data Assessment & Evaluation tool, growers can opt-in to share data with handlers as part of their handler’s sustainability programs.

Orchard Management

The Almond Board of California is committed to supporting growers in every area of orchard management – from orchard development to Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), irrigation to soil health, pollination to crop protection, nutrients to harvest, and everything in between.

Research & Innovation

The Almond Board of California funds and publishes research on almond growing, almond nutrition, and more. Find out what we’re working on.

Processors & Suppliers

Find information on processing options and food safety for processors and suppliers.

Regulatory and Trade

Shipping almonds to 100+ countries calls for a dedicated focus on trade and regulatory issues.